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Many students shown working together in the lobby of the Convergence Ceneter

Library Resources

One of the greatest features of the Hurley Convergence Center is its integration with the Simpson Library. In addition to a ‘bridge’ connecting the two buildings, the library has established space in the Convergence Center for an art gallery, a self check-out desk, and a Digital Archival Lab for the Special Collections department.

Self Check-Out Desk, as seen from the Library.1
The Digital Archiving Lab.2

The Convergence Gallery and Library Bridge are available 24 hours a day. The archival room is available only through the Special Collections department of the Simpson Library.


  • HCC 312 (Convergence Gallery, Self Check-out)
  • HCC 322 (Digital Archival Lab)

Self Check-Out Hours (During Regular Semesters):3

  • Monday-Thursday: 10 A.M. – 10 P.M.
  • Friday: 10 A.M. – 5 P.M.
  • Saturday: 11 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
  • Sunday: 1 P.M. – 10 P.M.

For more information, please visit: http://libraries.umw.edu

1 Unnamed Photograph of the Hurley Convergence Center Self Check-Out Desk, ca. 2014, JPG, 5184 x 3456, University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA, accessed April 20, 2016, http://convergence.umw.edu/files/2014/10/IMG_0096.jpg/.

2 Unnamed Photograph of the Hurley Convergence Center Digital Archiving Lab, ca. 2014, JPG, 744 x 496, University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg, VA, accessed April 20, 2016, http://convergence.umw.edu/files/2014/09/DigitalArchivingLab.jpg/.

3 Library Self Checkout, University of Mary Washington, accessed April 20, 2016, http://convergence.umw.edu/library-self-checkout/.