The vast majority of documents and records that made this website possible were derived from three sources, the personal papers and files of John Morello, Jerry Slezak, and Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company.
John Morello is the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and was a prominent member of the ITCC Building Committee. His files are, by far, the most information dense, and are mostly primary documents (.doc, .xml, .jpg) including digital copies of the original architectural designs.
The Collection of John Morello is available for download here.
Jerry Slezak is the Director of IT Support Services, was on the Building Committee, and was primarily consulted on the technology needs of the University. His files consist of physical papers that were digitized, they are primarily presentation materials handed out by Hanbury Evans during the design process and feature the majority of concept art used in this website.
The Collection of Jerry Slezak is available for download here.
Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company is the architectural firm that designed the Convergence Center. Their files are a selection of papers concerned mostly with the rejected “Modern” concept for the Library Site.
The Collection of Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas + Company is available for download here.